Joe Cianciotto Sheds Light On The Role Of An Executive Creative Director

An executive creative director typically is the mind behind the public identity of a brand across diverse media platforms, including its web presence. Joe Cianciotto mentions that these professionals generally work alongside the company stakeholders and varying executive-level management to determine the manner in which their business should be represented to the public. Joe is a New York based professional who had previously worked as an executive creative director. Hence, he is well-acquainted with this role and all the duties that come with it.

Much like their job title implies, executive creative directors are highly creative professionals who have the capability to think of innovative new design strategies, and can develop an interesting public image of a brand. Joe Cianciotto points out that usually, such professionals require an impeccable ability to channel creativity through business strategy and company needs, in order to do their job properly. As in many cases, executive creative directors are responsible for fostering client relationships and growth within teams; they maintain solid creative leadership, as well as have commendable motivational and management skills.

The specific tasks an executive creative director would be expected to carry out shall be based on their specific industry, as well as the company they world. However, in most of the cases, according to Joe Cianciotto the core responsibilities of these professionals would include:

  • Directing creative operations: The prime responsibility of executive creative directors is to direct all the creative operations within a company, including its design and marketing teams. They must develop and manage creative strategies for the purpose of improving and maintaining the company image.
  • Create and approve marketing campaigns:  When the marketing department of a company comes up with new campaigns, they should be delivered to the executive creative director for approval. Subsequent to the approval of these campaigns, the marketing team can start to implement it. Executive creative directors should additionally develop their own campaign-based meetings with the company executives and stakeholders, and seek their inputs when planning for marketing campaigns.
  • Report metrics to stakeholders: Executive creative directors tend to receive and analyze reports from marketing and design teams, and subsequently develop presentations based on those numbers. They additionally create reports on the performance of the marketing and design teams as well.
  • Manage creative department budget: Executive creative directors typically are the ones responsible for monitoring and managing the budget of the creative department. Their duties include creating and balancing the budget, and ultimately delivering it to the company management for approval.
  • Set and track department goals: To properly track the performance of their teams, executive creative directors are required to create goals for the entire creative department. These professionals track these goals on a quarterly or yearly basis to determine how well the department is performing.

The duties carried out by executive creative directors are extremely important. Hence, these professionals must be adequately knowledgeable and skilled to deliver the needed outcomes.